Plot Summary (from ANN): Hunted by the Mings from China, young Kotaro and his dog meet a nameless samurai ("Nanashi") who is constantly being haunted by dreams of the past which lead him to seal his sword. Among the Mings is a fiercesome Western fighter named Rarou, who desires only to find a worthy opponent. When both groups clash with a Sengoku-era feudal lord, a proud general, and monks torn between faith and survival, the reason behind the Mings' pursuit tests the bond between Kotaro and Nanashi.
Dimensions: 1280x720 (720p)
Video: H264 Codec
Size: 3.73GB
Source: R1 BluRay, added styled subtitles
Encoder: MysterySword (aka NamelessMonster)
Audio Track 1: English 640kb/s 5.1ch AC3 (default)
Audio Track 2: Japanese 640kb/s 5.1ch AC3
Subtitle Track 1: Signs + Chinese Speech (default)
Subtitle Track 2: Styled Subtitles
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