Monday, July 30, 2012

Mobbles Android Hack

What u will need:
- rooted phone
- memory hacking app (we use gamecih)

1. Diamond and cash hack
- run gamecih and ur game
- in the game open ur shop to see ur current diamonds
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- open cih and search ur diamonds' value
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- u will find this results:
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- we are searching for "c" value ( see picture above) if u don't find it yet in 1st search, buy Benton or anything and search again the new value of ur diamonds until u get that "c"

- once u got that "c" click on It
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- click on "related" button ( see picture above)

- here is the results if u do right:
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- "c" is diamond, and "d" is ur cash... edit it at ur desire...

- we are not done yet.. DUN RUN UR GAME!!! after edit, go buy sumthing from shop 1st... so that the diamond and cash data are sent to server...
If u dun do it, the value will be reverted back to it's original value...

- done with cash and diamond 
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2. Heart level hack
- run ur game, open a mobbles, in mobbles' page open it's state ( heart)
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- search ur current heart exp
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notes: I am searching 0 here because I am at lvl 1 with 0 experience
If u already leveled before use this formula
• lvl 2 : 50 + exp
• lvl 3 : 200 + exp
• lvl 4 : 700 + exp
• lvl 5 : why bother cheating? U already at Max lvl
Ex: I have lvl 3 mobbles with 34 exp, so I search : 200+34 = 234

- here are the results:
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Lol too many results...

- so now do sum games or give ur mobbles sumthin to eat until the heart exp changed
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- search it ( dun forget the formula!!!)
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- repeat until u find this result: 
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- edit that "mPoints" value to 1699
- play game with ur mobbles...
- and tadaaaaa
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Grats on ur 1st adopted mobbles

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