Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LG Quick Voice - a new analog Siri

Subject of virtual personal assistants in the style of Siri today is not lack of interest among both users and developers of. After all, quality programs of this kind is very small, and demand is very high.

Just recently, Wall Street Journal published an article which reported that Google plans to accelerate the development of a virtual assistant, a similar solution from Apple. However, manufacturers Android-devices at the same time, in a hurry to release their own solution. So after Samsung, submitting S Voice Services on the basis of a new flagship Galaxy S III, Siri prepared its response to the company LG.

Introduced a few days ago, a virtual assistant named Quick Voice, go to all the smart phones LG Optimus in South Korea through the standard update in a month. Plans for the South Korean manufacturer on the global release of the service is not yet known and will depend on the success of the test at home.

LG Quick Voice is based on the same principles as that of competitive solutions, but in functional terms Quick Voice is closer to Siri, than to the S Voice, the new software features allow you to run applications, send text messages, make calls, set the alarm and reminders, to work with the search browser, etc.

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